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ERP System
Intella System   2016-10-11 13:51:51 Author:SystemMaster

        Intella System team successfully accomplishes the implementation of ERP system to integrate every company departments and enhance the company management methodology and control.

        Almost one year preparation was necessary; a deep investigation of every company process, a full creation of standard operation procedures, standardization of raw material, semi-product and finish-product names, a detailed quality-profile categorization of raw material and suppliers besides hundred of other actions to move the company to a far upper level.

       A well-selected and suitable software to consolidate figures from manufactory, quality, sales, supply chain and finance modules helps to guarantee stability and control in the production. As result, effective quicker actions are taking place to solve issues for supporting a fast continuous quality improvement and after sales service.

       In order to achieve company vision, "Be one of the best provider of professional stage lighting in China, leveraging and developing our R&D expertise and new products", Intella steps forward and get closer to its target becoming one of the most process systemic LED stage lighting manufactory based in China.

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